Thursday, May 11, 2006

Why is 12 that important - part 2
Gra made a good point (refer comments to original post). Shouldn't it be threeteen, not thirteen... and this got us to thinking. Lets get back to basics (something that apparently everyone from football coaches to teachers wants us to do).

We have tens, hundreds, thousands etc.. lets just call our numbers as follows:
1- 10; keep as is
11 - 99; starts with one-ten-one ends with nine-ten-nine. The current fifty seven (or fiddy seven if you from tha hood) becomes five-ten-seven.
100-110; keep as is
111 - 999; one-hundred one-ten-one to nine-hundred nine-ten-nine
ok you get the gist..

Obviously rapper Fiddy Cent will now be called Five-Ten Cent, Prince may have to sing that he'll 'party till its one-ten-nine nine-ten-nine', and I'm not sure what we will do with the old episodes of Hawaii Five-O.


Unknown said...

I'm thinking that we'll end up reverting to the old ways cos we're inheritently lazy - especially Aussies who like to knock the last few syllables off something and then stick an "ie" or an "o" on the end, e.g. "rellies", "barbie". I think we'll get sick of five-ten-seven and we'll shorten it. It wouldn't make sense to get rid of the last syllables because then you wouldn't know it was five-ten-seven, so you'd end up shortening the first few syllables and you'd probably end up with something like fiv-tee-seven (because tee rolls off the tongue more easily than ten) which leaves us back where we started. Except, of course, we've resolved the whole eleven, twelve, thirteen issue.

I do like the word zwolf though - it has a nice ring to it.

brent said...

not that anyone admits to watching big brother... but i just happened to be passing the TV and it was on, and gretel said we will look at the nom's for this week!
you're right, maybe better to look for a way of shortening the hundreds and thousands into single words.. yes english is over rated, lets speak german from now on.. auf wierdersehen