Sunday, May 14, 2006

Not a political post
In the wonderful country that is John Howard's Australia (yes it is now the official name of the country, sports teams will be called "John Howards Australian Wallabies" TV programs "John Howard's Australian Idol" for example) there are still beggars on the street.
  1. The enterprising, some people call them buskers, but really all they are doing is begging but doing something half arsed to get you to part with your money. If I paint myself white and stand like a statue people will give me money. Where is the talent in that? (knock knock - who's there? - statue - statue who? - s'tat you bro?)
  2. Then there are those that front you - "can you spare me $3.40 so I can get a train home?" I bet if you offered him a MetCard (Melbourne transport) he'd be pissed off. One guy approached me several times over the weekend with the same question (obviously chroming isnt good for the memory). I asked him why he keeps coming into the city if he's always trying to get home. Hey get an apartment in the city mate, save on train fare!
  3. The dirtiest clothes, no eye contact, sits in a corner with something for money. One guy was at the entrance to Melbourne Central Station, sitting with his hoodie well over his eyes, not even a sign with a plea. The container for money was completely empty - ahhh train guy has probably got home!


Unknown said...

What about the women who beg with their babies? In London every now and again you'd get some women wearing old gypsy-style Romanian type clothing and they'd get on the tube with their screaming babies and hold out their hand insinuating that if you didn't give them money the poor little mite would starve to death. Which begged the question, how did you get onto the tube in the first place, young lady?

I'd really like to know what the train-fare man said in response to your question.

You should move back to the Sunshine Coast. We don't have beggars here. Generally the homeless quite like living outside and they keep quiet about it. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen any homeless people here. It's a bit weird now I come to think about it.

brent said...

train-fare man smiled quietly to himself and moved on... perhaps i suggest to him next time he try "excuse me sir, could you spare $99 for a cheap Jetstar flight to somewhere warmer"