Monday, November 14, 2005

The Gist List - Infinity

Mathematically as we all know the best way to describe it would be the limit that a function f is said to approach at x = a when f(x) is larger than any preassigned number for all x sufficiently near a. Makes sense of course.

Infinity is written thus . This of course was invented in the old days when 8 was a really big number and after counting to it you got tired and had to lie down. The lying down 8 thus signifies

“It’s really really big, bigger than 8”

In the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy infinity is defined as:
"Bigger than the biggest thing ever and then some, much bigger than that, in fact really amazingly immense, a totally stunning size, real 'Wow, thats big!' time. Infinity is just so big that by comparison, bigness itself looks really titchy. Gigantic multiplied by colossal multiplied by staggeringly huge is the sort of concept we are trying to get across here."

To infinity... and beyond (Buzz Lightyear)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The half arsed rules for free stuff
Melbourne is the home of free stuff – yesterday at Federation Square you were able to get a free massage, pedicure, manicure, chocolate drink, cap. Then today there are free Breakas (choc drink) given out at the train station. Marie, who gets HEAPS of free stuff, including a Nissan Pulsar a year or 2 back, has also managed to get the team free cartons of Red Bull, free backpacks with more free stuff inside and free sushi/sashimi for 15 people, in the last couple of weeks. So….

The half arsed rules for free stuff:
1. Always accept free stuff – it makes the giver feel good (it’s their job).
2. Don’t feel guilty – you should feel good (it’s free!).
3. Throw it away if you don’t need it – still feel good (see 1 & 2)
4. Actively seek free stuff – it’s our half arsed duty to make the world a feel good place!

P.S. The Dandy Warhols played for FREE tonight at the Vic Markets site(Channel V promo)... not here for the $, not here for the cool-dudeness of the city, here for the rock 'n' roll!!

Friday, October 28, 2005

So how did all this start you ask? No… oh well we’ll tell you anyways…
We had a look at Lindsey’s most excellent blog “Random Thoughts of a Geordie Down Under” and thought, we could do one of these… it was on Bratwurst Friday, which is a long standing half-arsed tradition (of 2 weeks). We were contemplating the dilemma of whether sauerkraut, cheese AND onions were just too much – y’know it might overflow from the bun and cause unnecessary mess on the shirt, or just reduce the volume of sauerkraut and therefore not be worth the extra 40c. So as you can see the big issues still get discussed down here. This made us think that maybe we could put these ramblings in a blog, because obviously people out there need to know the answers to these important issues, with a half arsed slant of course. We referred this to the blog queen (the aforementioned Lindsey) who said that sounded like an excellent idea. (This of course smacks of ‘you read my blog, I’ll read yours’ but hey, there’s nothing wrong with that! Hint: Lins we have linked to your blog).
Half arsed?? Well if anything is worth doing it’s worth doing half arsed, we figure there are 3 ways of doing things; the right way, the wrong way, and the half arsed way.
DISCLAIMER: The half arsed methodology is only applied to issues and projects of a personal nature - the right way always takes precedence at work.
The theme has been chosen! There was a tequila snapshot one but it looked crap - however it was named tequila snapshot which caused a bit of stir. Anyway after 3 meetings and some QA the tictac blue theme has been chosen! No going back from that decision.